Sunday, 5 May 2013

The C word...

So... the dreaded C word...the word that every student dreads hearing. Careers. I still have nightmares about the career lady at school that used to chase after me to find out my work experience plans for the summer. At 16, you either still don't fully understand the nature of a career plan, or you simply don't give a damn. Luckily I managed to wangle myself a week of work experience at a top music company, so that I didn't have to spend a week tidying the smelly careers office. 

I've now reached second year at university, and I am none the wiser about my career plan for the future. I am still perplexed about the number of job titles/jobs out there that I don't even understand. Here's a few that I came across:

- Chick Sexor (yes, they employ people to check the sexes of chickens in factories)
- Snake Miller (to extract the venom from snakes)
- Modality Manager (a hospital ward nurse)

Unfortunately for us some what dim-witted students, this huge array of over complicated job titles and bizarre jobs makes the job world even more terrifying. I struggle with understanding what Subway's 'Sandwich Artist' job title means, let alone what 'Worldwide marine asset financial analyst,' means. Moreover, I don't know about you but the scary career lady at school never offered me me the chance to extract venom from a snake to get a week off school, so quite frankly I feel completely blind stepping out into the big wide world. 

Unfortunately, in order to get to San Francisco, I actually have to get a job (although it is now apparently acceptable to galavant around the world for a year and pretend you're helping the world, when actually you're strutting along a beach in Hawaii in your new havainas and RayBan's  whilst pretending that you're in the cast of Made in Chelsea). Consequently, I have to translate this over complicated job jargon, perplexing job descriptions and find some that actually suit me - no offence to all the ArtioDactyl Relocation Manager's out there (goat herder).

All of this is assuming that once I have found a job role I will be able to get it. Ummm no. This is the 21st century, and every resume  CV, application interview, reasoning and numerical test will surely trip me up.  Not to mention the near impossible  chances of getting a visa or green card. However, I plan to follow Arthur Clarke's advice and attempt this all anyway. I'll let you know when there is some sort of plan...

"The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I know I will end up making a lot of career changes knowing me but it's the anticipation and excitement that also scares me!
    Thank you for reading!
